More Opinion by The Springboard

American Manufacturing Is About More Than Just Jobs
Bringing back American manufacturing is critical to American society in more ways than just economic ones. In order for America to succeed it needs the ability to make things, not only for the stability and good jobs it provides, but for national security as well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The presidential primaries still have some legs to go before we ultimately can be certain as to who will be the presidential nominee of either party. Still, I think it is clear who among the final four are the strongest candidates to vie for the post of commander in chief, and I am going to indicate my prediction here in this blog.

By now we can say we have heard much about each of the candidate's positions on the myriad issues facing the next president, and we can draw conclusions as to how we think each of them would handle the office of the president if they were elected.

Among some of the issues that are important to me, we need to seek out solutions to reverse the ill side effects left by NAFTA and return important industrial manufacturing jobs to American workers, and additionally work to foster an environment in America's inner cities that encourages corporations to put plants there, and develop programs and provide tax incentives to those companies who operate in a manner consistent with our moral and family interests as a nation. That means providing better means to training, higher wages, and a stronger base of benefits. That means creating a balance between what's right for profitability and what's right for the American worker, who ultimately consumes its goods.

Both democratic candidates have said they would want to bring NAFTA back to the negotiating table. Neither have said whether or not they would be willing to scrap the agreement altogether. John McCain supports open and free trade markets and thinks that the answer lies in retraining a dislocated American workforce. But he also believes that encouraging American jobs stems from creating an environment that is conducive to profitability, such as keeping corporate tax and regulation at a minimum.

Another area of interest is Iraq, and frankly the entire region of the Middle East which is still in utter turmoil despite our best efforts. We are getting closer to achieving our goals there, but going forward we need to have a clearer idea as to how we can restore stability in the region, make it safer for US troops and allied forces to operate to secure US interests, and maintain that stability once it is achieved, even well after the troops have gone.

Senator John McCain has said we may need to be in Iraq for very much longer than either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton say we will be. Simply put, we have to be very cautious about how we eventually begin to withdraw our troops, and I don't think its wise to call the war over and done with too soon.

Of course, we also have the issue of nationalized health care (which I oppose), oil prices, CAFE standards, Russia, Iran, illegal immigration, alternative energy, the issue of whether or not to extend the Bush tax's a healthy list.

But okay, okay. Who do I think will be the two candidates who will ultimately debate these very important issues? Before I got away from myself a bit and jumped onto the proverbial soapbox, I did mention I wanted to make a prediction. So 'nuff said and here goes; I'm going to lay my money down on Senator Barack Obama on the Democrat side, and Senator John McCain on the Republican side.

Who do I think of those final two candidates embodies the passion and the patriotism to give America back to the American people? I think that speaks for itself in the form of my own positions on the issues. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.


Tilu said...

Your title says "four", yet you have only mentioned three. Please do not perpetuate the predominate bias toward excluding Ron Paul. He is a viable candidate, included on all 50 states ballots. He is a REPUBLICAN candidate, has been a respected republican congressman for 10 terms now and working on number 11. His ideas and positions on the issues are worthy of debate. There is still a very real possibility that he could be our next president. Why have you not even mentioned his name?

Jim Bauer said...

At the time of the writing of this blog, the 4 candidates from both parties that were "viable" from the standpoint of how many delegates they had to win their nominations were John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Mike Huckabee dropped out because he felt there was no way mathematically that he could win the nomination. Mathematically speaking Ron Paul was simply too far behind all of the other republican candidates to be considered "viable."

I don't exclude Ron Paul necessarily on his issues, but rather the unlikelihood, in my opinion, that he can gather enough support to actually win the White House.