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Monday, June 5, 2023

Don't Rush to Buy These Boycotted Companies' Stock

Not so fast, folks. As I work my rounds around the Facebook and Twitter spheres about this controversy faced by several companies over backlash against Pride stuff—Anheuser-Busch, Kohl's, Target and others—it seems the naysayers and deniers of the effectiveness of the boycotts are quick to simply say, "Thanks for the opportunity to make a lot of money buying shares of stock of these beaten down companies."

Normally I would agree with them. And maybe ultimately, they are right. Eventually these companies will make a comeback and perhaps come back stronger. It is certainly not outside the realm of possibility, and things like this do eventually tend to pretty much go away once the heat dies down.

I will say that being an avid and long-time stock market guy, I will certainly be keeping my eyes on it. I don't want to miss any opportunities to make money either. But I think the time is not now. Not immediately. Because I also think this backlash has legs left yet.

It would be best to sit this one out and wait until the fire dies down, the smoke clears, and the ashes have all been cleaned up.

Because this is a different feeling backlash. It's still quite hot. And I don't think consumers are near done with it yet and may not be for some time. Especially when it comes to Anheuser-Busch. Even just the other day when I went to Casey's to pick up a craft beer to share with my brother-in-law, all of the AB InBev beers were untouched while competing brands like Coors Light and Miller Lite were almost completely gone.

Nobody is buying Budweiser, Busch, Busch Light, Bud Light or any other AB beer. And that's the same story at Walmart, Schnucks and everywhere else I have been.

It's different because the fact is that consumers are just very tired of the whole LGBTQ+ thing. As I have said many times on this blog, they've simply had enough of the forceful spoon-feeding of the rhetoric. Not only that, but there's another interesting element here that needs to be considered.

It's the left's reaction to it.

Suddenly the word snowflake is being hijacked and used to describe conservatives. Suddenly, after the left succeeded in kicking Aunt Jemimah pancake syrup off the shelves, destroying iconic logos like the Land 'o Lakes indian and seeing name changes from Uncle Ben's rice to simply Ben's Original, forcing the Washington Redskins to change their name to The Commanders, the left is signaling a "wah-wah-wah" stance against conservatives over beer, and over our stance against the Pride movement.

Apparently, unless you are on the left, you are not allowed to have a position, take a stand, voice an opinion, or otherwise be offended by anything.

The left also makes a mistake to assert that we, the ones opposed to cancel culture, are now engaging in cancel culture. I have pointed out in my arguments that what we are opposed to when it comes to the Pride movement is in fact, in direct opposition to cancel culture.

Because ultimately the LGBTQ+ thing is trying to cancel gender.

This movement on our side against Pride and the LGBTQ+ movement is something that runs quite a bit deeper than other positions in the past—from both sides, frankly. It is an assault on family values. It aims to clutter the minds of children and influence them to question their identity. It pits normal lines of thinking against a societal fringe. And it is attempting to create bigotry where none exists.

If you disagree, you simply hate. And no one likes to be called a hateful bigot when that's not the case at all.

I simply think that there was a final straw on this issue that broke the camel's back, and it is going to take a lot longer than usual to heal the wounds. And for that reason, I am not so sure those discounts offered today are really discounts at all. I don't think they will bear fruit. And even if they one day do, it's going to be a long time to wait for them.

If you are a lefty thinking a pot of gold has been left on your doorstep, you may want to take careful hold of your britches and wait this one out. Because I think not only have you lost the LGBTQ+ fight to attempt to change the status quo of common culture, the companies who have fallen in your court have also fallen out of favor, and there's no guarantee a comeback is coming.

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