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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Even the Democrats Themselves Aren't Falling For Bidenomics

It would seem that not only is the Biden/Harris administration continuing to pursue this fantasy of glowing economic policy they call Bidenomics, but they are also doubling down on it. They really believe that all of their comparisons to purposely monikered Maganomics is true.

But of course, Americans are not buying it. And the reason is simple. Because Americans both experienced Trump's economy and are now living in Biden's.

Naysayers of Trump can say what they want about Trump as a president in general. Even outwardly they can tell their friends, "Things are much better now economically." But behind the scenes and behind closed doors, as they sift through their utility bills and monitor their stock accounts and see directly the dwindling values of every dollar they earn, penny after penny being siphoned away by the higher cost of everything, the truth simply cannot be denied.

Bidenomics does not work. And it is definitely not working for the hard-working Americans it wants to reach to prove that it does.

The problem is that while you can easily tell a lie, there has to be at least some sense that it can be true in order to sell it. Take fiction. Especially fantasy, horror and science fiction. There is something that a writer must do in order to convince readers, even for just a moment, that ghosts and goblins and dragons do actually exist.

Suspend their disbelief.

When it comes to the economy, one look at one's grocery tab and it's all bets off. Every trip to the gas pump, and it's an instant yanking back to the reality that the dragon is just a thing created out of a wild imagination.

You simply cannot, by any stretch of the imagination try to sell a booming economy when the people living it can't see it or feel it or touch it in some way.

And the democrat party who badly wants to win a reelection knows it's a bad idea, and through backchannels, many prominent democrats are urging the White House to ditch it. Or to at least reframe it. 

"The voters aren't buying it," is what they are essentially saying. And if you (the Biden/Harris administration) keep on trying to sell it, the voters are going to rightly wonder what else you might be lying about. Your entire presidency becomes open to criticism, deeper examination and scrutiny.

Even from your own side. And maybe particularly so.

Because not only do democrats want to win. They want to be right. They want to be able to prove that they have the better ideas and can offer the best alternative in real solutions. Not that it's their favorite thing to do, but dammit they want to be able to say, "See? I told you so."

Bidenomics is falling flat. As a policy, as a plan, as a campaign slogan. It's just bad for everyone and especially bad for the person behind it who can't prove it to be anything more than a simple man dressed in a zippered dragon costume.

And by the way, how do you even reframe it? Why would you even necessarily want to? What? Just to make the lie sound a little better? A little more believable?

Why not just be straight with the American people and admit, "We messed it up," and then tell the American people what you got wrong and how you plan to actually fix it? It's like the border crisis issue that everyone knows is real. You will never gain the trust of the American people by outright lying to them.

Especially considering people are about to be fed up if they aren't already. We had to suffer through the 2-years of shutdowns during the Covid pandemic, having our lives entirely upended and halted, only to come out of it with new problems to face regarding our lives and money. And wait, it's not over. A recession may soon be coming, and that's just going to mean more months and months of economic pain.

Perhaps the Biden/Harris administration simply feel they've got this election in the bag. If it's down to them vs. Trump it's a shoe-in. And Lord knows they've done their very best to try to make Trump out to be the villain of all villains—a villain to make even the worst enemy of Gotham City look like a friendly circus clown with just a little benign nervous tick.

But even with that effort, is the public at large buying into it? Polls indicate maybe not. And just like the earlier example of people outwardly saying the economy is fine, behind closed doors when it comes to Trump, people know deep down they are being played for fools. They know there's a lot more going on behind the scenes that so much energy is being spent on someone they (the democrats) insist is no threat to their power.

In other words, there's no reason to try to get rid of Trump if the left thinks he's such bad news no one could even remotely consider him to be a serious candidate for the other side. Or even independents.

And speaking of polls, that's the other problem of course with Bidenomics. On the very issue Bidenomics is trying to sell is great, all the polls clearly show that the economy is one of Biden's worst performances. No one is buying it. Not even democrats. 

What's worse is that it does just the opposite of what I think the democrats want it to do. That is to put the economy front and center for the American people to think about every time they say it. Because again, it just serves as a constant reminder that the economy is not as good as they say it is, is not recovering at the fast pace they want people to believe, and worse—like with the border crisis—if you don't even know it's a problem how do we ever make it right?

How do we trust you have the goods to make it right?

Will the Biden/Harris administration ditch the slogan? Probably not. And part of the reason for that goes into something a bit deeper than the problems we face with the economy and frankly with every other serious issue facing America today.

Who is actually in charge?

Is it a single person? Is it a collective? Has the bureaucracy finally tendered the reigns of the big white chariot in Washington? One can never know. But the one thing we do know is that whenever we find ourselves in a situation where there are too many chiefs in the room, all goes haywire very quickly, one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing, too many hands are fighting for the final say, and nothing of value ever gets accomplished. 

And of course, with so many chiefs, not a single one of them thinks there's a problem that needs to be solved. And you can shout the problem as loud as you want, but the chiefs aren't listening. They can't hear you. And the Biden/Harris administration can't hear you. The American people. Even their own party. 

They are simply too busy focusing on winning than anything else. For them, it is all that matters. Meanwhile, as far as Bidenomics goes? Well, you're just going to have to take their word for it.

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