More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Sunday, September 29, 2024

It's Like it Never Really Happened

It's not necessarily that what Kamala Harris is saying is wrong. The economy sucks, inflation sucks, the border sucks, we're lacking opportunities, and it's harder than ever for the American people to succeed and achieve the American dream. America is in bad shape, and we need someone in the White House who can recognize the problems, offer the right solutions, and turn it all back around.

I am so glad, Mrs. Harris, that you have finally awakened to the reality that we've got some serious problems here. Where have you been all these past four years?

Oh, wait. Weren't you in the White House

Wherein, not only was she party to all of the no-good policies and bad decisions that got us here, but she also defended them all along, right out there standing alongside Joe Biden telling us what our eyes and wallets knew damn well was a lie was wrong.

"Everything's running superbly. This is Bidenomics, folks. Isn't it wonderful?"

She's saying the right words. What she is saying is true. Things are bad and we need to take a different course. But the amazing thing to me is that, at the core of her campaign, it's as though Biden never happened. He's been wiped out of memory completely. Joe Biden, who? The way you hear Kamala Harris talk about it, Trump was the guy in the White House all along, these past four years, Harris is the newcomer on the block, and it's Trump's fault that all of what went wrong in America happened.

The remarkable thing is that I think the Democrats believe it, and so does the media. It's remarkable to me how quickly Joe Biden has been erased from the political landscape. Do we even feel like he's president anymore? Has anyone in the media even mentioned his name?

If they have, it's been in passing. "Oh yeah, he's still president."

The thing that scares me is that, even if in my heart I don't want to believe it's as tight at race as the media portrays it, maybe it is. Trump suffers from a lot of hate out there, and when all that hate is clouding judgements about what Biden did and what Trump will fix doesn't matter.

Even if, in their hearts, anyone who wants to cast a vote for Harris, they know it's all a lie. That it's all a big game of smoke and mirrors. The magician has pulled the rabbit out of the hat, and everyone is convinced that the rabbit wasn't there all along.

They'll still vote for her and hand over the keys to the Oval Office.

The second part of the problem is that while Trump has the right ideas and even the proven track record, the reality is that he's not a great orator, and so his message gets trapped in the mud. In a moment in time such as this, what we need is a Reagan-like delivery. 

On spot. Front and center. Straightforward. Here's the problem, here's who caused it, and here's why these are the people responsible for it.

The hope is that the American voter has become accustomed to Trump's style enough that they understand that he means more than what he says and will do more than what he doesn't say. The hope is that memories have not failed, and that voter's don't fall for the rouse.

Harris isn't the solution. She's the problem.

With all that's happened in the past four years, this should be the markings of a landslide victory for Trump, but here we are looking at polls suggesting Trump may actually lose the election. I do think the voters are smarter than all of this, and I have trust in my cynicism of what the media is trying to sell us.

Can you really erase Biden's four years and pass the blame onto the guy that wasn't there through it all? I guess we will find out in November.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

Friday, September 20, 2024

Kamala Harris Speaks More Word Salad with Oprah Winfrey

The term world salad was not something coined for Kamala Harris. In fact, the term has been around for a very long time. Sort of like the term fake news, that many people think Donald Trump came up with. It's actually been a term in circulation since the 1890s. Trump simply popularized it.

But the term word salad absolutely applies to Kamala Harris anytime she speaks off script and without a teleprompter, and her recent Town Hall with Oprah Winfrey, which followed a similar (in fact almost uncannily similar) bit of lines as her ABC interview with Brian Taff just days after the debate, was no exception.

Not only did Kamala Harris dodge questions and answer replies in riddles, but she also pretty much said nothing at all.

Every time you see this you wonder, "Is the media getting all this? What about the voters?" Because you still see endorsements and high accolades coming. You still see polls suggesting she's surging in popularity against Trump.


Well, sane people can ask this question when witnessing any of this. But not all voters are sane, of course, and as far as it goes for Democrats, I haven't decided yet what to think of what they're thinking. Can they just be that focused on winning that they don't care that Harris' policies will send America so deep into the abyss there may never be the possibility of a return?

What worse, does anyone really know what any of her policies even are? The Babylon Bee posted a hilarious article suggesting that going to the Harris/Walz campaign page would simply redirect you to Trump's page.

You have to admit, that is pretty funny, by the way.

What makes me scratch my head even more is how someone like Oprah Winfrey could not be worried about her credibility endorsing Harris for president after a Town Hall like that. Was Oprah able to make sense of anything Kamala Harris said?

Probably not. Oprah Winfrey may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them.

Better yet, can anyone not just articulate what they think Kamala Harris stands for or why she the best choice to be president, but explain to us what the hell she is even saying that makes any sense to anyone?

I mean, imagine hearing a string of words in any normal setting and saying to yourself, "I have no idea what she just said, but I like it."

Beyond that, isn't it a very obvious clue that we're being played by the media and her handlers? I mean, how can she step up to a podium and sound clear and good but fall so miserably flat on her face in a one-on-one interview with voters or reporters?

Because she isn't the person the media wants us to believe she is. How can she ever be in command of the country when she can't even be in command of her own words?

Imagine a conversation between her and Putin. First, he'd need to translate her words to Russian. Next, someone would have to translate her words into actual English so that the Russian that came out on the other end would even make any sense. If that would even ever be possible.

The danger in all of this is as I have said so many times before I have lost count. That the media has too much power to influence the minds of voters, and that alone could potentially put her in the White House, and by the time we realize we made a mistake, it's going to be way too late to fix whatever happens because of it.

At the end of the day all we can hope for is that it all really is just smoke and mirrors that the voters are buying this Kamala Harris as the best choice for America story. Sort of like what the media was doing back when Hillary Clinton was running against Trump, and we were told she had a 95% chance of sealing the necessary 270 electoral votes to become president.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

We're All Angry Paupers in this New Economy

by Leonard Knath, staff writer

Hey folks, gather around. It's time for another episode of, "What in the hell is wrong with the world today?" Let's talk about the cost of food. Yeah, you heard me. Food. The stuff we need to survive. You'd think it would be a basic human right. But no. Instead, it's become a luxury item.

Have you seen the prices lately? Well, of course you have. How can you miss them? And what about those damn eggs? What's going on with that? Since when did having a dozen eggs in your shopping cart get raised eyebrows from people passing you in the aisles?

"Enjoy your scrambled dinner, Rockefeller."

Of course, you can't blame the stores or even who makes all this stuff. It's inflation that's done it for anyone who wasn't aware. It's an invisible hand reaching into our pockets pulling out whatever spare change we have left.

Kind of makes me think of a bad magician. You know the one. He says, "Give me a dollar and I'll make it disappear," only to grab it, spin around, and run.

As a matter of fact, I think this magician has long, dark hair and a rather grating cackle.

Speaking of politicians, they just stand with their thumbs up their asses telling us it's all under control. Yeah, sure it is. Just like we were once told that the Titanic was "unsinkable."

I am pretty sure they want me to be dirt poor. Those stinking Democrats. They want me poorer than poor. How else can they entice me with their free stuff so I will vote for them? I still won't, but you get the idea. Beyond that, any time I get a bill there's another fee, another service charge. 

The greatest inventor nowadays invents new ways to take my money. "Oh, you want to breathe air? That'll be $5.99 plus tax."

Leonard Knath, pronounced like math, is a seeker of truth and an adamant denier of the status quo. He makes his home in Stratford, New Jersey where he lives with his wife Dee and their two cats, Lawson and Saul.

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© 2024 Leonard Knath

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Is it Gross Incompetence with the Secret Service or Something Else?

I get it. Conspiracy theories can be a dime a dozen, and don't people get a little bit tired of hearing them? Don't things just sometimes happen and it's no one's fault but the people doing them? Most of the time that's probably true, and most of the time conspiracy theories are just that.


But they become conspiracy theories sometimes for good reason. It's like a puzzle. The more pieces you put together, the more it begins to form a whole picture.

We now have two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump's life. Two of them that are 65 days apart. And in both cases, the shooters were mere yards away. One could even say the shooters were in obvious places.

On a rooftop within clear sight of the former president. And one hole away on a golf course.

But I stressed the word "two" for very good reason, because it seems rather uncanny that this would happen. How many times have there been multiple attempts on a former or sitting president? On top of that, you have to consider that in the entire history of our country there have only been 17 assassination attempts made against presidents or presidential candidates, and only five were successful.

It just makes you wonder. What in the hell is going on here? We already know that the Secret Service was grossly incompetent to protect the former president in Butler, PA. The director resigned shortly after being hammered by Congress, with unanimous calls for her resignation from both sides.

But how much transparency was offered to the American people about that? Not much. And why withhold certain information? For days, and even weeks, the Congress interviewed people from the FBI, the Secret Service, and other agencies involved with Trump's protection detail.

They were saying some things. But it wasn't what they were saying that was at issue. It was what they weren't saying. What were they hiding? Were they hiding things? Were they hiding these things to protect themselves? Or was it because of something else?

Before, most people were wondering why an obvious rooftop was not covered at his rally where the former president received a graze wound from a flying round from an assassin's gun. Now we have to ask, "Where was President Trump's detail on the golf course?"

Wouldn't they have several things going on here to ensure a wide swath of coverage to protect not only the former president, but one who's life was already put on the line? Perhaps drones in the sky. Secret Service agents at hole 5 and hole 7? Or maybe they'd just secure the whole damn golf course? Or did they? 

So, how did the shooter get past their radars? Especially in a setting where the Secret Service would have presumably had far more control over the locale than at a rally attended by tens of thousands of rally goers.

How did this happen?

Look, I have no experience in law enforcement, and certainly about protection details. But I have to seriously question if what we are witnessing here is gross incompetence or it's that the Secret Service is in on these attempts somehow.

Granted, unlike the Butler shooting, the shooter is in custody, and so we may be able to know much more about his motivations and what led up to this attempt. I am certain there will be more hearings held, and maybe that too can offer some insight.

Maybe it's just that we have a lot of crazy people running around. It could be as simple as that. It's TDS that has reached an extreme level so extreme that it has now turned haters into cold-blooded killers.

Either way and whatever the answers happen to be, I just can't help but think to myself that something stinks to high Heaven here, and sooner rather than later we need to figure this out and get things back under control.

How many historical events do we need to create when it comes to Donald Trump? Most impeached. First to be indicted. First to be convicted. And now, two assassination attempts?

Enough is enough.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

Monday, September 16, 2024

Jason B. Truth Has a Good Notion About the Fallacies of Allan Lichtman's Prediction Kamala Harris Will Win the Election

Is he Nostradamus? I am talking about Professor Allan Lichtman who is predicting that Kamala Harris will win the election in November. You know, the same guy who just months ago compared Joe Biden to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and predicted that he would win the election just mere months ago?

I guess he didn't see that disastrous debate coming that shook apart Biden's chances and thrusted Vice President Kamala Harris to front of the race. But I digress.

Sure, Lichtman does have a few presidential elections under his belt. He's been making bold predictions for more than 40 years, and you can't take away from him that he's been right a lot of the time. But not because he knows what the outcomes will be. 

I admit, I do find Lichtman's prediction a bit disconcerting and alarming. But I also think he happens to be dead wrong here. But I won't steal anyone's thunder. I recently read a piece chock full of videos showing cracks in Lichtman's formula and predictions, and what's behind the "magic" of it all that I think you, dear readers, will find equally interesting and enlightening.

Jason B. Truth lays it all out in clear detail for us to enjoy and digest in his article, "Allan Lichtman Predicted a Kamala Harris Victory? Get Real!" Trust me, it's worth a read.

Like the way I write or the things I write about? Follow me on my Facebook page to keep up with the latest writings wherever I may write them.

© 2024 Jim Bauer

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Last Night's Debate Was a Flop

It's the one thing I dislike the most about Trump, even though I support him and will vote for him. I know what his positions are, and I have a good idea what the country will look like if he goes back to the White House for another four years.

But all too often he simply misses golden opportunities to convey certain messages Americans need to hear. Especially those who are independent or undecided voters.

The debate last night was mediocre at best. I don't think it served to do much to change the course or move any needles. For either candidate, by the way. This was not really a debate for Democrats or Republicans who have already made up their minds. This debate was for those who are still on the fence.

To be fair, this debate was more for those voters who are mostly on the fence about Harris more than Trump. People already know who Donald Trump is and they have the past four years when he was president to go on. They have heard the messages, seen the interviews, and watched the rallies.

Trump is far from a mystery.

But that leads me to asking what in the hell was on the mind of ABC when they asked the questions? Especially the ones they asked Harris. It's not a mystery that the Kamala Harris front and center today is not the same Kamala Harris we saw for the past 3 1/2 years, and I think ABC should have dug more into that.

What the American people wanted to know was, "What is that you want to say to the American people to separate yourself from...yourself, and the positions you held for so long, and what changed your mind? Are these a change of heart that you are truly committed to now, or did you simply change your positions for political reasons? If you felt, before the nomination, that your positions may be unpopular and perhaps make you unelectable considering how radical some of them were, how can we now be assured you don't still hold these positions personally while stating different positions publicly?"

On top of that, she kept saying, "We're going to do this," and "We're going to do that." But when did ABC challenge her on those statements and ask, "Where were you for the past 3 1/2 years when all of these problems you say are problems happened under your watch alongside Biden?"

Why did they not challenge her about lying to the American people about President Biden's health? Because isn't that an important thing to consider? If you are fit to be Commander in Chief, shouldn't you be able to recognize a grave threat that comes from within the White House itself that poses danger to American lives and the state of the country?

If you would hide that, what else might you hide?

ABC could have and should have challenged her on the "record." For example, they could have asked her about one of the key concerns on most American's minds. Inflation. They could have challenged her on her claims of price gouging which everyone knows was not the reason inflation happened. They could have asked her how she plans to tackle inflation differently than Biden has.

And why did ABC not put her to task more on the border? Another key issue of concern to voters across both aisles. Why did they not press her harder on the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal which cost American lives and left billions of dollars worth of American military equipment on the ground and in the hands of the Taliban? Why not push her more on what happened and what her thoughts were on the breakdown of communication between her and Putin and Zelinsky that resulted in Putin invading Ukraine anyway?

They didn't ask her much about the economy. And when she made the claim several times that Trump's plans would cost American's $4,000 more a year to afford, why didn't they remind her of the additional $11,000 Americans must spend annually to pay for inflation, and what impact she feels that has had?

Needless to say, many opportunities were lost here. But on both sides. ABC missed the opportunity to give us a better picture of what can only be classified as, "The new and improved Kamala Harris." But Trump missed many opportunities as well to clearly state his differences and convey a stronger message to rebuke many of Harris' claims and position shifts.

Overall, neither candidate did well in my opinion. Still, I think Trump won it. But not on substance. He won it simply because there are fewer questions we need to have answered by Trump than need to be answered by Harris. Harris was the focus here. And we didn't really learn much about her at all. For that reason, I contend she lost, because the things the independents and undecideds wanted to know were simply all questions left unanswered.

She delivered talking points and campaign slogans rather than offer solutions or explanations of her sudden change in ideology on myriad issues.

Fox News has offered an invite for a second debate in October. I think both candidates need to agree to it, because I think both candidates did not accomplish their goal on this one.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer