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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

North Dakota Transgender School Bill

Regardless of where you happen to stand on transgender issues in general, I think most people can agree on one thing.

The entire movement has gotten way out of hand and especially involving children in the discussion is irresponsible and dangerous.

We can argue all day whether or not this is a fad, mental health issue, a true movement, an issue of rights, or even an issue of "free speech" as some in the movement have suggested. But the one thing that remains constant, in my view, is that it is not something we need to be introducing nor encouraging in schools. And North Dakota's governor, Doug Bergum, is right to address the issue in a recent bill that prohibits public schools and government entities from making it a requirement that teachers and other employees refer to students by their preferred pronouns. It also requires school officials to notify parents if a student is wanting to identify as transgender.

The bill goes a bit further to say that students identifying as another gender cannot use a preferred bathroom without the consent of a parent or guardian.

Frankly, I think this is as simple as calling it a common sense bill. Somewhere along the line schools almost everywhere have tried to assume the role of the parent and remove the parents from the equation altogether when it comes to a variety of issues, including transgenderism.

And there's a reason for that, of course. It's all about liberalism, which permeates public schools and the agenda of curriculum, and a strong desire by school officials to push their agenda onto children. It's indoctrination, simple as that. Their message is not resonating with most right minded, thinking adults, and rather than work on those minds, why not work on the impressionable minds of children which can be easily shaped and molded and manipulated.

And of course, they want to do this as much "under the radar" as possible. Because they know parents, at least most parents, object to almost all of this agenda. Pushing politics, CRT and all kinds of other liberal causes and issues really should have no place in the classroom, and left unchecked, teachers and administrators would do it, and do.

Naturally, there is pushback from the other side on this. And about that free speech issue. That's one of the things the opposition to the bill are talking about. "This may infringe on an individual's right to free speech." Never mind the right of others to not be forced to call someone else by a desired pronoun if they don't want to. That would be free speech also, but according to the opposing side it is relabeled as bigotry or insensitivity.

What is also a bit concerning, if not alarming, about the opposition's response to the bill is that they fear that "students may be subject to dangerous repercussions from an abusive parent." This is outright blasphemy considering an "abusive" parent will simply be deemed one who does not condone nor conform to the demands of those who encourage transgenderism. 

Throughout all of this movement the one thing that has been apparent is that the rights being infringed upon are the parent's rights to guide and rear and address personal matters and concerns with their children through religious guidance, psychology and via other medical professionals.

The bottom line is that we have to protect the children, and parents have a right to know not only what is being taught in their schools, but what our kids are being exposed to in terms of information. And we, as parents, also have a right to disagree with the manner in which certain things are taught or explained, as well as to have a say in what the agenda of teachers and administrators happens to be. 

Parents have a right to know when Jonny scrapes his knee on the playground or when Jonny decides, via whatever influences or catalysts, he wants to be Josephine instead. And parents also have a right to understand what things happened that may have caused the scraped knee or imbedded the idea that being a boy was no longer desirable.

What irritates me more than anything is the vilification of anyone who has anything to say or does anything to oppose the movement. And Bergum is being, and will be, vilified for sure. Yeah, the movement is the minority without question, and that is not to suggest the minority should not be able to stand up for or speak out against opposition. But, it is the way it is done that becomes the bigger issue.

You are vilified to the point of being an evil person who must be abolished from the face of the earth for simply having a different viewpoint—which is the majority viewpoint by the way. And the media certainly does their part to drive the point home and make a strong effort to not just call out opposers, but literally destroy them through false reporting, misrepresentation of the news, and other shaming tactics.

Either way, I do think the majority of the American people are paying more attention than anyone thinks, and as I have said before about the strong pushback against woke and cancel culture, and the force feeding of LGBTQ+ issues, I find it encouraging and refreshing.

It's about damn time!

The majority has been silent for far too long and the left and their agenda has gotten way more attention than it ever has deserved. That's coming to a head and finally the majority is shouting louder and pushing harder than the minority should ever have been allowed to.

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