More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Just One More Excuse for Biden's Awful Debate Performance

Are we to the point of the Biden administration desperately clutching at straws? And how stupid do they think we are? Because I think we have to start asking that question along with, of course, a plethora of others.

We're being played, and we've been played for a very long time. For the most part, Joe Biden and his camp, including the media, have gotten pass after pass after pass. From his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to his insistent lies that the border is secure, and that any issues we have on the border are Trump's fault, it's one thing after another.

All the other issues notwithstanding—we can't forget those—and the way it's all been spun. From job creation claims that were actually just jobs coming back after Covid to inflation, gas prices and whatever else you want to add in there.

There is a long trail of disaster behind almost everything the Biden administration has touched.

Of course, in the beginning they did all they could to try to deflect and turn American's attentions to more "serious" matters. The threat to our democracy, for example, because Trump is supposedly an evil man hell bent on becoming a dictator on day one.

In his final State of the Union address to the nation, he literally compared the 2024 election to the days of Hitler.

It's to hide things. That's all it's really about. To hide Biden's numerous failures and more importantly, to hide the obvious decline in his mental health that has been evident to many people over the course of his presidency.

The problem is that big lie, the one about Biden being on top of his game, came to its head during the debate. Everyone saw it, and no one could deny it anymore. Even CNN. Something was wrong with the president.

He keeps saying he must continue to run to save the country. But how can a country be saved by a man who doesn't even know where he is? How can the country, at its very foundation, be preserved as the founding fathers intended if the leader that we know to be the leader isn't actually the one leading?

The White House was quick to dismiss any claims of mental decline and criticized the media for "jumping the gun." And they continued to plod out their narrative that, "The man you see is not the man we see every day in the Oval Office doing the hard work for the American people."

As Bill Maher put it, "Tape that so we can all see it too."

"The president was suffering from a cold," was of course the first thing they passed along as sort of an explanation of sorts as to why he performed so badly during the debate. Okay, that explains his voice, which was frail and weak and raspy. But it doesn't explain why he could not put a complete sentence together or get the facts straight.

Which, by the way, after being reminded of Trump's many lies by the news media and even the White House, is also a "clutching of straws."

Biden lied several times during the debate. He lied about Trump wanting to get rid of Social Security. He lied about the insulin cap. He lied about the Medicare cap. He lied about his job creation. He lied about what unemployment was when he took office.

Oh, and the 800-pound gorilla in the room. He lied about no troops dying during his watch. In fact, there have been several. The most glaring of which were the 13 service members who died on the tarmac in Afghanistan during that horrific withdrawal.

Now they come out and tell us, "Well, he's a 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. president, and during those times he's sharp as a tack." Okay. Fine. But what if he gets that proverbial call at 3 A.M. Then what?

Beyond that, now Biden is claiming he was suffering from serious jet lag from recent overseas trips and that he "nearly fell asleep on stage." It's one more clutch. And frankly, one more outright lie. I think at the end of the day everything should be crystal clear to the voters right now. His record, and his ability. But the reality is that everything about him is in question.

He's sitting on abysmal approval ratings with only 38% of Americans believing he's doing a good job, and when you ask the question of his fitness to be president, it's even worse. 72% of Americans feel Biden is not up to the job.

It reminds me of that age old idea that the more you have to tell people you're this, the more the reality is that you are something else entirely.

The fact is that the American people more than ever know now that they have been being lied to all along. By the media. By the Biden administration. By everyone. And it's beginning to really rub people the wrong way. No one wants to be taken for a fool.

A cold. Jet lag. What's next when no one buys that?

How about you're simply not the man you used to be, Mr. Biden? How about it's just time to pack your bags and really do your duty and serve the country's best interests by ensuring we are not led by people other than you? But an actual president, able to do the job, making the critical decisions, who was elected by the People?

Because let's face it. Desperation is not an admirable trait either. And that's the other trait being put on full display here. The president and the people in his camp are desperate to win, at any cost, and regardless of what's in the best interests of the American people.

The more the Biden administration continues to deny, deny, deny the truth, the more the American people become convinced their worst fears are, in fact, true. And the angrier they become about that.

Sorry, Mr. President, but the chickens have come home to roost.

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