More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Monday, July 8, 2024

Biden's Not Handling His Richard Nixon Moment Well

For the Democrats what's happening with Joe Biden right now really is quite akin to a moment in time that former President Richard Nixon once faced, albeit under a different set of circumstances. Richard Nixon was facing an impeachment conviction as he had lost all of the support he had from his party.

Whether or not it was nobility on Nixon's mind when he decided to step down, handing over his resignation and giving the Oval Office to Gerald Ford, he knew the writing was on the wall and there was only one course of action to take.

And he did.

In Biden's situation you have to wonder what is on his mind through this latest string of calls from senior Democrats, news media and others asking him to step aside and resign from his campaign for reelection.

Here's a guy who has forever warned of the extreme dangers we may face if Donald Trump were put back in the White House. As he said to George Stephanopoulos in a scathing interview, "We are at an inflection point. Whoever wins now determines the course of our country for the next 60 or 70 years."

That seems pretty dire. So, if that's what he believes, and it is clear his chances of winning now are almost completely erased from reality, why would he continue to run if the only likely outcome of him doing that is that Trump wins?

If Nixon would have refused to step down, the Senate would have convicted him of impeachment, and he'd have been forced out of office, leaving the reins to Gerald Ford anyway, and leaving an even bigger stain on his legacy than resigning did, or even all the things about the scandal that haunted him to the very end.

His fall from grace would have been amplified many times over.

Sure, Biden thinks he can do the job. He thinks he's earned reelection. But the American people disagree, and so does his party. It's an arrogance, in a way, that sort of flies in the face of the arrogance their side has long accused Trump of.

"Trump doesn't care about you or about the country. He cares only about himself and his desire for power."

But what separates Biden from that argument? If he has no support and can't win, and feels that this is one of the most important election decisions in the country's history—why else would he allow that to happen other than to consider his own personal interests over the people and the country?

As I have said often, sometimes you have to do things that are in the best interests of the country even if your side has to lose. Country and America first are not just slogans. They are very important things to consider above all else.

Granted, the Democrats seem assured that replacing Biden is all they have to do to beat Trump. I think they are right to decide Biden's not their guy. But I think they are wrong to think that they will have the support of the American people if all they do is replace Biden.

The thing that seems to be becoming clear in the minds of most people is that the Democrat party made the wrong choice from the very start, and now it's come to rear its ugly head. The country is in a mess despite the claims coming from the White House that there are all of these accomplishments to account for. Americans have been lied to and hidden from the truth on purpose. And top contenders like Gavin Newsome don't have great records either.

Kamala is also a hot mess with approval ratings far below Biden's, and she is probably one of the most disliked vice presidents in America's history. She's also far from qualified to take on the job. Even then, pushing her aside would be considered a slight, and I think that would also leave a bad taste in many American's mouths despite her being an awful replacement choice.

The key takeaway is, how can we trust the Democrats? How can we trust anyone they might pick in Biden's stead? For three and a half years your side has pounded the drums telling us Donald Trump is the world's most dangerous man and the biggest threat to democracy this country has ever faced, and all you've done is do everything to make sure he wins?

Biden should step down. If not for the good of the country, but for the good of his party. It's the right thing to do when you have lost all of your support. It doesn't change the outcome even if he does, mind you. The ship that would bring them to safe shores has long sailed.

But at least go out with some dignity left. After countless lie after lie Biden has told to the American people time and time again, why make the last lie, "I can do the job?"

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