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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Can We Just Dispel the Trump Project 2025 Myth Once and for All?

You know, this whole Project 2025 thing irks me to no end, because here we have this document, that has been put out by conservatives in The Heritage Foundation, that has now become attached to Donald Trump regardless of whether Donald Trump has anything to do with it.

It's the latest buzz word on the left, and you hear it in the media, talked about by pundits and commentators, it's been mentioned several times at the Democrat National Convention—in their mind it's Trump's "world order," and that's that.

Even if it isn't, and even if the people saying it probably know full well it isn't.

Just like so many other things in the past launched against Donald Trump, nothing has to be true. Nothing has to have merit. You only need to say it happened and it becomes true.

Russia collusion, the impeachments, the indictments, the felony conviction—all of these are things the left will hang onto regardless of whether or not Russia collusion was proved to be a hoax, regardless of whether or not there was any real reason to impeach Trump, or regardless of whether a conviction actually followed a real crime.

There are still people wholly convinced Trump wants to be a dictator. "But he said it. It's on video. He said he wanted to be a dictator on day one!"

Only an idiot believes that, because when you add in the part where he said, "I want to drill baby drill and secure the border and then I won't be a dictator anymore," makes it clear that what he was saying is that he would simply use the powers of executive orders on day one to restore policies he had in place when he was president before.

To me, there is a real easy fix here. All the media has to do is scour through the Project 2025 document and match up Trump's former policy positions and current policy positions and see where things fall. They could easily do this and point out specific areas in the document that the former president clearly does not support.

Of course, that would require honesty and integrity in reporting. Something that the media abandoned probably decades ago by now. Besides, how can they try to use Project 2025 as some scary new world order manifesto unless they can simply tie it to Trump and leave it at that?

Wouldn't this be simple fact checking? I mean, we can trust the fact checkers, right? I digress. The reality is that even with most fact checking, it's not a team of people looking into something and saying, "Make it right." It's a group of people simply saying, "Make it so."

What makes matters worse is the power the media has over people's minds. Not so much on the right. Conservatives actually want to know what's going on. But the left will buy anything the media sells them without any question. 

Sure, some are going to simply say to me, "Well, you say Trump's not associated with Project 2025 because you support Trump." To that I say, I actually know what Trump's positions are because I have read them. I have seen them. I have heard them. So, I can look at parts of Project 2025 and know it does not align with Trump at all.

I mean, it may sound silly to suggest it, but what if we went all the way back to the formation of the KKK, which was formed by Democrats, by the way. Would we have automatically said that anything published by the KKK was a manifesto supported by all Democrats or the party itself? Would it have been a Democrat document? 


Sure, did some Democrats support parts of any KKK doctrine? Yes. Does Trump support some elements of Project 2025? Yes. But all of it? Hardly.

But again, that's the job of the media to tell us one way or the other how much of the claim that Trump is associated with Project 2025 is true. Beyond that, it's their job to point out specifically, especially the most radical parts of it, that are not true.

The reality is that truth is a really hard thing to come by these days, and never before in American history has it been more paramount for all Americans to shut off their TV's and start doing their own homework. Because no one's going to give it you straight anymore, and it's their word against ours. 

The fact is that Trump is not associated with Project 2025, and I say that because so much of what's in it simply does not line up with things Trump has said and done or is saying now. It's a document borne from a conservative think tank that is simply their idea of how things should be. It is not a mandate and certainly is not a directive that Trump is going to follow to govern by.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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