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Thursday, August 22, 2024

The End of the Harris Honeymoon and the Boost of the Kennedy Shift

Let's face it. Kamala Harris may be doing well in the polls against former president, Donald Trump. But are her chances of winning the presidency as good as the media would have us believe? I mean, take into account that she hasn't made any real appearances other than from scripted rallies she can read from a teleprompter at, and she hasn't had any interviews.

There is a good reason for that, and that's because the media is trying to separate Kamala Harris from Kamala Harris.

Wait. What? I know that sounds like a weird thing to say. But think about it. Here we have a vice president, who is now the Democrat nominee for president, who was perhaps the most disliked vice president in American history. How do you change that? 

You pretend like Kamala Harris is now something she wasn't before. You paint a new picture.

They are trying hard to separate her from her very far left liberal positions she held in the past. "That was then, this is now. This is a new and improved Kamala Harris, folks." Only, it's all smoke and mirrors. And if they can keep her on script and reading from a teleprompter, they can avoid the usual word salads she is well known for.

Folks, she hasn't forgotten the recipe for a blockbuster word salad. When someone else is writing the words for her, all she has to do is read them. But eventually she's going to be on her own. Off script with no teleprompter to guide her.

And it will all come back to us. Every muddled word that gets turned into nonsensical gibberish will make a remarkable comeback. It's impossible to avoid. And I think some of that will come back, front and center, on September 10th when the debate happens between her and Donald Trump.

I seriously doubt she will be able to get through that without at least some word salad and inappropriate placement of cackling. Besides, as I have said before, if the right questions are asked (and I have my doubts they will be), how is she going to explain inflation and the border? When she starts going on about price gouging, is anyone going to call her out on that and set the record straight? And if they do, will she be able to respond to it in a way that makes any sense?

I think what happens is that when the real Kamala Harris goes before the people and has to be herself, it's going to be her fall. Because that's a moment when the opportunity to pretend goes away. They can hide her from us (the media and the Democrat party), but she can't hide from herself.

Take into account another very interesting twist happening right now, and that's the possibility that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. might drop out of the race and, get this, endorse Donald Trump.

That's a rather interesting development considering that RFKJr. staying in the race actually helps Harris' odds of winning. If he jumps out and goes to Trump's side, the tables turn according to recent polling and Trump wins without question. It effectively erases any lead Harris currently has.

If you trust the polls in any event. But that's for another day.

It is also something that makes some sense, if you think about it. I am not going to say that RFKJr.'s positions align with Trump. But there are some similarities. And Trump has even said he'd absolutely consider a cabinet position for RFKJr. if he should come to Trump's side.

The fact is, and RFKJr. knows this full well, that while he can make a case to get at least 5% of the vote, he will never be elected president. It is clear he has not supported what the Democrats are doing and has been a strong voice against the Biden administration, and I think is no fan of Kamala Harris.

His move to the other side would be a logical one, all things considered.

Granted, it doesn't mean all of Kennedy's supporters will rush to vote for Donald Trump. But his strongest supporters just might, and I would contend that pool of supporters is large enough to dramatically turn the tables.

At the end of the day, I think what hurts Kamala Harris' chances the most, really, are the issues. And she's simply not winning on those. Her short-term boost will have to eventually come up against the reality that when it comes to the issues of most concern to the American people, the administration she was part of simply did not deliver the goods. She supported, endorsed and praised the very policies that greatly failed the American people.

The bottom line is that this race is far from over, and while the media is painting the picture of fear and unrest in the Trump campaign, I think the reality is that Trump's only getting started, the American people will not be so easily duped by Harris' "new look," and regardless of what the polls have said to the contrary, Trump's real lead never wavered a bit when Harris stepped to the front.

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