With the democrats getting going in their "race to the White House," we are of course hearing the beginnings of all sorts of promises they are making that are supposed to make your life better, and perhaps in some ways more prosperous even.
But, it's "free" stuff they are mostly chattering on about, folks.
Free college tuition, free healthcare, and even one of the contenders, a businessman by the name of Andrew Yang, is talking about just simply cutting every single citizen over the age of 18 a guaranteed monthly check for $1,000 to help boost your bottom line and supposedly,
level the playing field.
But the reality is that nothing that is
government funded is actually
government funded. It is
taxpayer funded.
The reality is, folks, that at the end of the day SOMEONE has to pay for all of this stuff that the government wants to "give" you. Remember, the government DOES NOT operate as a FOR PROFIT organization. EVERYTHING the government takes in in revenue comes directly from you...the TAXPAYER.
The government is not out there opening up a few McDonald's franchises to take in a few extra bucks. They are getting
every single dime of what they take in from
the people who pay taxes.
So what is a free college tuition? It is a tuition that you will ultimately actually pay for anyway. And depending on how things go, your children and grandchildren, and even your
great grandchildren will have to pay for as well.
What is a free $1,000 per month? It is basically taking from Peter to pay Paul. You give the government your tax dollars, and they give it back to you in the form of a guaranteed monthly payment.
Anybody should be scratching their head at that.
Beyond that, you might be saying hey, there are enough of those evil millionaires and billionaires out there who can pay more into the system certainly to help to cover all of this free stuff. So then, if that were the case, it
is actually free, right?
But hold on a minute here. Here's a little fact that you need to know.
Even if you literally confiscated every single dime of every single millionaire and billionaire in the country, you would not even come CLOSE to covering the amount of money needed to pay for all of this free stuff, let alone make a dent at all in the deficit NOR the debt itself.
And eventually, the money would run out. No matter how you look at it, the only way any of these programs stands a chance to be viable,
everyone would have to pay something. Ultimately, the tax code would
have to be rewritten to now find ways of getting more money from the hands of even those in the 50% who don't technically pay any taxes at all.
By the way, it should be noted that if you paid $5,000 in taxes but got a refund check of $7,000, you are part of that 50% that
does not pay any taxes at all.
Paying taxes is NOT sending the government a check, or having them pull money out of your paycheck. Paying taxes is either getting less back than you paid in, or owing more than you paid in.
If I paid the government $5,000 and got a refund for $2,000, I paid taxes. They kept $3,000. Catch my drift?
I only bring these examples up since many people
think they are taxpayers just because they send some of their money to the government. But unless you get less back than you paid in...
you are not a taxpayer.
Look, the main point here is that
nothing in this world is ever free. Everything ultimately must be paid for by someone. And there is
not enough money, believe it or not—but it's the truth—to cover the expenses of
everyone in the country when it comes to just college tuition and healthcare alone, let alone anything else the government may want to promise to hand out to you.
Free is not free, and the more you take, ultimately the less you will get in the end.
No one ever got ahead from a handout. Anyone on welfare or food stamps has not gotten rich from that money. Nor has anyone who collects social security alone ever get ahead.
As the democrats get up on their podiums and start making promises to give you this and give you that, keep in mind that what they are actually giving you is something you have already, or will eventually have to pay for one way or another.