More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

WHO'S Running Scared?

Really, the Democrats and liberal media are clutching at straws, laughing off comments by Speaker Mike Johnson and even some from Donald Trump himself that Biden might be amped up on certain "enhancers" for the upcoming debate.

The reality is, for anyone truly paying attention, whenever Biden is sent out front and center into something "important" that more Americans might see, he's a different guy than we typically otherwise see in any other setting.

He's energetic, is the best used term. 

On MSNBC's Morning Joe, they were trying very hard to point out that Trump appears to be scared out of his wits by Joe Biden, which is laughable at best, and quite frankly, ridiculous. I have seen enough of Trump's rallies to be able to walk away fully confident that Trump isn't afraid of anything.

In fact, I think it's the exact opposite. It's the Biden camp who is scared out of their wits. They keep trying to tout their "record," but of course, the problem is no one is buying it except die-hard Trump haters and Biden supporters.

On the economy alone, Trump trounces Biden badly in voter confidence polls. It's not even close. Voters from both sides of the aisle have been very clear. Trump is better equipped to handle the economy. And let's not forget that the border crisis is not an issue that's gone away either, nor has the debilitating effects of inflation.

Which brings me to another interesting tidbit. A recent letter signed by 16 Nobel Prize Winning economists who are trying to sell us on the idea that Biden's economic policies are superior to Trump's, and that Trump's policies will only fuel more inflation.

Wait a minute. What? It was Biden's policies, first of all, that caused inflation. We can point to at least two very specific things, as I did in an article I wrote for HubPages, The Biden Inflation Catalyst, that of course does not prove it. But gives real strong hints.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where inflation kicked off, and it wasn't during Trump's term in office.

Look, if you really want to go there, if you only take into account all the rules the Biden administration has set for the debates, you can clearly see who afraid of something. The Democrats want very badly for this to be a carefully planned and frankly, orchestrated event that they can control from start to finish because they know Biden's a problem often times in front of a camera.

And you can bet there will be a handful of staffers somewhere behind the scenes, with a four second or so delay, ready to smash the mute button if Biden starts to say anything he shouldn't, and do a quick camera change. With no audience present, and full media control over what Americans get to see, things can also be uniquely edited on the fly. And you can bet they damn sure will be.

It's a smoke and mirrors debate that, regardless of what anyone says, is being controlled entirely by the DNC and the Biden camp.

It is entirely plausible to suggest, as well, that all of these preparations Biden is doing right now at Camp David is part of the script—we all know that Biden already knows what the questions are that the moderators will ask. Of course he does. Even to hold a press conference he has to be given pre-drawn lists of reporters to call on complete with pictures.

If the Biden camp were not the ones very afraid, they wouldn't need to put all this effort in to get themselves ready for a debate. They have told us for almost four years they have all the answers. Shouldn't the answers, then, just come naturally?

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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