More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Trump's "Guilt" Only Makes Us Stronger

You might say, "But you're a Trump supporter and that is the reason you are dismissing Trump's guilty verdict in the hush money trial." My answer to that is, that cannot be farther from the truth. I am dismissing Trump's guilty verdict because it was a sham trial for political purposes, and I know how and why it went down the way it did.

Something like this should never have been prosecuted in the first place, and if it were not Trump, it would not have been. On top of that, nearly every single person in charge of this had a clear agenda, and I think possibly even a clear mandate.

This was a case brought with intent and complete with explicit instructions.

The problem for the Democrats is that even if they booked a win, there will be no victory for them. For one thing, almost immediately following the verdict Trump's website crashed as it was flooded with donors wanting to contribute to his campaign.

He scored millions in new contributions.

The Democrats were hoping that a conviction would sway voters to their side—even if they knew they couldn't shake the die-hard MAGA crowd. What they are missing, of course, is that Americans are simply not as stupid as they think they are. People are paying attention, and the more we go down this path of witch hunting, the more people are digging into what's really going on and what's behind it.

The more people want to know the truth.

What it also does is cause people to see Trump more. They go out and seek more because they want to know if all this negative press is actually true. "He didn't really say that did he," they wonder? What they find when they see the real Donald Trump is not the man the media has told them he is, or the Democrat party has said for that matter.

If I thought for even a second that there was anything to these accusations and now his conviction, I'd step back. I really would. Because I can't stress it enough, I am an American first, and while I do call myself a Republican, it does not trump (pardon the pun) my commitment to what's in the best interests of the country.

The bottom line is that all that has happened since Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower has given me great pause to question everything. From the GOP's attempts to deny Trump's nomination to two sham impeachments to claims of an insurrection and now all of the charges and indictments—there are forces at work that have to be questioned.

We have a ton of bad players in our government, and Trump's not one of them. He is the target of them, and for one reason. He wants to restore America and return the power of the government to The People.

What the Democrats get out of this is something to put down in the history books and nothing more. It will not sway voters to their side. In fact, it may lose more support for Biden. Trump will not go to jail. And when Trump wins in November, and I think he will without a doubt win, the Democrats are going to have quite a lot of egg on their faces. 

But there's one other thing to consider here. The one thing I said to my Democrat friends gleeful of the witch hunt and now the verdict is to be careful what you wish for. All bets are now off, and your side should fire up the shredders, because The People are coming for you next.

They have changed the rules. They've put light on things. They've made it okay to prosecute in places where perhaps it was taboo to do before. And let's face it. The Democrats have far more skeletons in their closets than Republicans do. 

One thing you never want to do if you want to win is to make your enemies into martyrs. The Democrats have missed that memo, and this may go down as one of the biggest backfires ever in history. 

There may even be movies made, one day. 

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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