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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trump Brilliantly Plays the Media

When you think about it, how Trump plays the press time and time again is actually quite brilliant. I mean, think about it. How much press does Trump actually enjoy? Tons. And the funny part is, the media thinks the mostly negative press is seen as negative by the people who see the news coverage.

Granted. Some do. But I think the vast majority of people see through the news that's presented. In other words, you can't take the presentation all that serious.

Whatever you want to call it. MAGA humor. A Trumpism. Even a gaffe. Every time Trump has a rally or does a speech, he throws in specific things that he is fully aware the media will immediately bite at and run off with.

"I don't care about you. I just want your vote," Trump says with a smile, followed by a chuckle. He's not really saying that. He knows that will be the soundbite, though. He knows that's what will get played over and over again while a circle of pundits and commentators poke at it and try to dissect it, omit the context, and make it seem like Trump was making an off-color statement.

Most viewers see the joke, and then what's left is them scratching their heads at the media coverage. "Am I supposed to take this as serious news? That Trump actually said he didn't care about his voters? That doesn't make sense. Why would he say that?"

The thing is Trump words these things in ways that don't make sense quite on purpose. It's masterful, really. Because even out of context and cleverly clipped, the comment is so out there that no one can take it seriously.

It makes the media look like fools. And it makes viewers angry that they are being taken as fools. It also makes it obvious that the media can't be taken seriously.

That last part might be the most important part. Because that's the part that makes the viewer go off on his own to see what Trump actually said. But more importantly, what he meant. And once they do that, that's when the gig is up. 

Some people can't fathom how Trump continues to get bigger and stronger despite every effort to knock him down. The thing is, he gets more visibility because of the media's portrayals. People want to know more and then they go and listen to the full context of what was covered, or even the full speech—often times mesmerized and wildeyedlely (is that even a word?) waiting for some juicy tidbit to confirm Trump's just a crazed idiot who is power hungry.

What they find is a sensible guy saying mostly sensible things, who loves his country and sees America as a good place filled with good people who deserve strong leadership working hard for their interests.

As hard as the media is trying to make enemies for Trump, they are pointing them right into his corner to actually hear his words and his message—and of course they like the message because it's a good one. 

"I don't need your vote. I have enough already," Trump says, and once again the media pounces. "This guy's crazy. Did you hear what he said?"

Yeah. We did. We knew he was joking. We know you can't be serious when you tell us he was serious. 

Trump gains support not only through what he does. He gains it because the media almost forces people to take a closer look at the man and the campaign. And they can't clip what the viewer sees on their own, out of their own interest. They also cannot shape opinions because when the viewer gets the whole story, it will be the only basis for what they ultimately decide.

The funniest part of the joke, though, is when the media and the left take the joke seriously. It is, perhaps, the greatest punchline of all, and Trump is getting the last laugh.

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