More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

You Won't Win an Election by Insulting the Voter's Intelligence

I have to ask, "How is insulting voter's intelligence a winning campaign strategy?" Because that seems to be entire strategy of the Democrat party and the media. Well, sham trials and a weaponized justice system notwithstanding, of course.

Now they are running with the latest Trump comment. Trump says he doesn't care about his voters in scorching heat rally.

Give me a break. Really? Look, there is video on this. Trump did say that. But one look at the video and anyone with even half a brain immediately makes out that he was speaking tongue in cheek. Not only was it a joke. He was clearly mocking the media.

As he was speaking to the crowd the wind blew and he praised the breeze. He said, in an after all sort of way, "I don't want anyone going anywhere. I don't care about you. I just want your vote." Which is as direct a jab against the media narrative that he is a narcissist dictator in the making as one can make.

He smiled and chuckled. The crowd laughed. The crowd got the joke. There is no, "Oh, there he goes again, gotcha," moment. But of course the media thinks it is. Biden thinks it is too, as I am sure his comment will make it into a Biden campaign ad somewhere.

A deep and ominous voice will boom on the screen, "Would you vote for a convicted felon who doesn't care about you?"

It's coming. Just wait for it.

Like almost everything the left is doing, I think this backfires on them just as bad as everything else they've tried has. And I think what they (the Democrats) are doing is simply wearing the voters out. People are getting tired of all of this Trump bashing and hatred. Because the reality is that the country is on fire, and no one is bringing water. They're just trying to point out the arsonist.

And by the way, we all know the real arsonist is the accuser.

It's just dumb. It's dumb to suggest Trump did anything but tell a joke and mock the media. He even said, "The press is going to take that and say I said a horrible thing." Because that's what they always do. The left and media think we're stupid. They think we will fall for anything they tell us.

Granted. Some might. Some will. Because there are die-hard haters out there so deep in their TDS they walk around like zombies. Instead of chanting, "Brains," as they wander aimlessly about, they chant, "Trump."

Trump did say he didn't care about his voters. But even if that's what he said, that's not what he said, and the context is everything. The smile and the chuckle is everything. It's the defining moment. It was when the joke was made clear as a bell.

I don't think the voters are stupid. Not the majority anyway. So, I say, let them run with this nonsense. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot. Let them keep taking eggs to the face from their own inside throwers.

It's only going to more solidly seal Trump's win in November.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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