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Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Friday, May 24, 2024

Suggesting Trump Will Seek a Third Term is Stupidity

I swear, sometimes the left can be so stupid. Yes, I said it. even though it does break my rules just a little bit. I try very hard to avoid name calling since I usually believe it kills the argument. But sometimes the left just does things, or especially says things, that are just stupid, and you can't do anything else but call it out for what it is. 

This is particularly true when it comes to things Trump says that the left just hangs on and spins this way, that way, and the other.

Do they really believe what they say Trump is saying half the time is true? It seems they do. Or they are trying very hard to convince people that Trump is saying things he's actually not saying at all. 

When he said, "I will be a dictator on day one," it spun their heads around and the next thing you know it was all the left could talk about. For them it was confirmation.

"He's Hitler! Here's the proof!"

The thing is, we all know what he said. We all know what he meant. And we all know the context of what he said. He was not saying he wanted to be dictator at all. It was tongue and cheek. It was not meant to be a proclamation. And it wasn't one.

So, what's the latest? The 3-term president comment. I don't even think the left is really paying attention. He said, "I might even be considered a three-term president." He did not say he was intending on changing the rules even though he did reference Franklin Delanor Roosevelt who died in office during his fourth term before changes were made limiting presidents to two terms.

Granted, and I have said this many times, sometimes Trump does say things that can be easily misinterpreted or read wrong. But at the same time, one simply has to understand Trump and how he talks to get through to what he is actually saying.

He believes he won the election in 2020. Whether or not you believe that doesn't matter. But he believes it. And he knows that many Americans, especially many of his supporters, also happen to believe it. 

During the entire time he has been out of office he has done presidential things. He's met with world leaders. He's headed his party. He's endorsed candidates and campaigned for them. He's kept talking to the American people. He's gone to places where disasters have occurred affecting Americans.

In the eyes of some he's the legitimate president. Some people across the oceans believe it too. And that's the context one need to add to what he said about the three terms.

If Trump was president in 2016, and he was the acting president in 2020, and then is reelected in 2024, that would be his presumed third term holding office. Again, perhaps his wording makes it difficult to grasp that. But that's essentially what he is referring to.

"I might be considered a three-term president."

In other words, historians one day might make the assertion that even if the published result was that Biden won the 2020 election, in the eyes of many Americans, Trump never really left office. He just governed from somewhere other than the White House. If he wins in 2024, it's sort of a confirmation that Americans were really on his side all along even if the face at the podium bearing the Presidential Seal belonged to Joe Biden.

It is patently stupid to suggest that Trump is saying he will seek a third term in 2028. For one thing, Trump has always been a champion of the Constitution, and constantly talks about the government as The People's Government. He never says, when referring to the White House as his house, but rather our house.

He's not a dictator. He has no interest in the power. He simply wants to do what's right for the American people and continue the work he started in 2016 that went on pause in 2020.

Granted, it may just be another tactic rather than stupidity. But it sure should make anyone being sold this line feel like at least their own intelligence is being challenged. The left has no record. I've said that a million times. They know it. So, all they can do lacking a record is try to scare the American people into voting against Trump.

If they can paint him as an evil man wanting to be a ruler as opposed to being a president, they will pull out all the stops to do it. In the meantime, it gets really frustrating even though I happen to think that most Americans aren't dumb enough to fall for any of it—and their displaying of their stupidity on the left actually helps Donald Trump.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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