More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trump This, Trump That; Biden Just Can't Stop

"Release the murder hornets." Remember when that was a thing? Memes abounded that covid had lost its scariness and so in order to maintain control over the minds of The People, you had to bring something scarier to get it back in control.

Isn't the latest attempt by the Democrats, to say that Trump will refuse to accept the election results in November if he loses, sort of along the same lines?

I swear, it's one thing after another with these guys.

He was a racist. Then he was a homophobe. He was a misogynist. He was an election denier. He was an insurrectionist. He incites violence. He seeks revenge. He wants to be a dictator. He's a criminal. He's a rapist. 

You name it, he's all of these things according to the left.

Does no one notice one glaring thing? The Biden administration and the media aren't talking about what Biden's done to earn reelection. They aren't talking about the real problems everyday Americans are up against and what he will do to resolve them.

It's all about Trump. It's all about the threat Trump poses. It's all about the danger to democracy if Trump is allowed back into the White House. It's all about the end of the country. 

So, what is the threat? Simply that he can win in November and Biden cannot. It's really that simple, folks. People may have short term memories; I will grant you that. But people are living now, this very moment in Biden's America, and it's awakening the reality that things actually were better when Trump was president. And by leaps and bounds.

That can't be hidden. It can only be distracted from. Or at least they can try. And try, they are.

Even stalwart Democrat voices like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart aren't convinced Biden's up to speed enough to be president. And it's not like their comments are an endorsement for Trump. They're just not an endorsement for Biden.

Even Jon Stewart joked recently, "If you're telling us behind the scenes, he's sharp and full of energy and on top of should film that."

As is more often than not, the case, Trump did not actually say he won't accept the results. He simply said he won't accept them unless the election is fair and square. "If everything's honest, I'll gladly accept the results," Trump said.

How is that scary? How is that a threat to democracy? And by the way, does anyone other than me get tired of that word being tossed around? We're not a democracy and never have been. The United States of America is a Republic.

The fact is, Trump is a threat to Biden's reelection. But that's because the American people are smarter than the Biden administration and the news media will ever give them credit for. 

When the entire focus of your campaign is on the "other guy," it just leaves everyone wondering what the hell you really have to offer for anyone to support your campaign. Aren't you supposed to have three years of vast accomplishments you can brag about, and that Americans can believe happened?

When I worked in sales, I didn't sell my product by talking bad about my competitors. I sold mine by talking about why my product was the best choice.

So, "He won't accept the election," is just another straw in their clutches that they hope will turn people over to their side. "Bad, scary Trump is a mean guy," they want to say. They really are clutching at straws. But rest assured, it's not the final one. Because this one won't work any better than any of the other names he has been called, or any of the other accusations they have made.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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