More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Call Me What You Want, In the End I Am Simply an American

The Democrats have called us every name in the books. Well, they've made a few things up too. Like MAGA extremists. And one recent one they seem to like to lob is to call us faketriots. But we've been called deplorables, racists, Bible thumpers, homophobes, misogynists and bigots.

We've even been called a cult.

The reality is that the only reason they call us these names is because they don't really have any position they can state articulately. Moreover, their side has no real victory to argue against our side's points.

It's simply nothing more than a tactic to try to insult us and shut us down—and stop the conversation, of course. It's what they think is their drop the mic moment. If any commonsense statement is made, you just call them a name, wave your arm and walk away.

If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You can't fill a three hour talk radio show with just talking points, and that's why liberal radio has never worked. Liberal ideology only ever fits on a bumper sticker.

Liberals like to tell you what something should be. They are never able to fully articulate why. Or how we do it. On top of that, they rarely are willing to think about any of the many variables that might be important to consider if we do what they want.

Take the idea of a minimum wage increase. The reality is that both sides want to see people making more money. However, our side thinks that it should be a natural process while the other side thinks it should be a forced process.

The left doesn't consider small businesses who may be severely impacted by higher labor costs, or even whether or not the smaller businesses can even afford it. They don't consider the impact on the costs of things or whether or not it could wash out any pay increases. They don't consider there may be pushes for more automation, or that service may be compromised as businesses are less able to fully staff their operations.

They just tell us, "You don't care about the poor." Drop the mic.

The reason we stand with Trump is quite simply answered. We were better off under Trump than we were under Obama, and we were certainly much better off under Trump than under Biden. 

We want to see law and order. We want secure borders. We want better opportunities for American workers. We want cheaper gas and independence from the oil cartels. We want unity. We want to be proud to be Americans and fly our flags with honor. We want to support our police, military and veterans. We want to be a country free of threats from foreign enemies.

And we want our government to act in our interests. Trump does that. Trump did that. Mean tweets and other antics aside. That I think we can all agree, distracted from what was good. It gave the media too much extra to focus on. But what Trump also gave us is someone who mostly is like us. He doesn't act like nor talk like a politician. He says what's on his mind, good or bad, and one thing I have always said about that is that that's the greatest transparency you could possibly have.

Biden has sat there for three plus years telling us the economy was doing great, that he created all these jobs, that inflation would be transitory, that the border is secure and any number of other outright lies he's told.

You can't tell us things that our eyes can't see and expect us to believe it.

All the name calling aside, what it shows is something else. Desperation. Because again, there is no valid argument. It's all they have to give. They can't tell you why we're supposed to see what they see. That Biden's policies have worked.

We are simply racist if we are against illegal immigration. We're misogynists if we are against abortion. We are homophobes and bigots if we believe there are only two genders. Yet at the same time we are science deniers if we don't believe in man-made climate change. We are bootlickers if we support the police—and racist there too, of course.

What is MAGA really? If that's the group you want to lump us into. What are we?

We are country loving Constitutionalists who want to restore and honor the core foundations of our founding fathers who created this great country. As Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana put it once, we have created such a successful country that everyone wants to come here, and even those who hate it don't want to leave.

At the end of the day, we don't really care what names we're called. It doesn't matter because we know our side is right—at least it is now. There's only one name anyone will be able to call us come the November election.


Because no matter how hard the left has tried to break down the resolve of the American people and real patriots, the American people are stronger than those who wish to destroy the nation that's been built, and it's our country, and we want it back.

No matter what you decide to call me, the only name that applies to me is American. I signed up to fight for my country once, and even if I no longer wear the uniform today, I never once gave up my commitment to fight for Her to my dying breath.

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