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Monday, May 20, 2024

Social Security and the Global Cash Shuffle

by Leonard Knath, staff writer

I am starting to wonder about the money. You know, the money we supposedly don't have to shore up Social Security that the Democrats keep throwing out there? "It will be insolvent by (insert date here)." It's something we've heard for decades, and the prediction seems sort of akin to the one about the end of the world disaster claims the left likes to make all the time.

You know, those lefties. They sure do like to predict disasters, don't they? It's almost like a favorite pastime of theirs.

The end of the world is coming folks. Hold onto your britches, grab your ankles and stock up on your kale and kombucha.

Oh yeah. And don't forget to send us some more money to make sure we can take care of these most important issues facing all of humanity. Yeah, yeah. More taxes. Lefties like those too. Only, so long as it comes from someone else's wallet—let's go bilk the rich!

How long has Social Security been going insolvent for now? It's not gone yet. It's just sort of chugging along like a rusty tricycle. But it's coming. That front wheel is going to come off any time. It's just a matter of time, folks.

Are we to believe them? 

There are billions of dollars of cash going over to Ukraine. Israel gets a billion-dollar arms coupon. Didn't we drop pallets of green on Iran not that long ago? There's a lot of money, it would seem, for everyone else. But Grandma's clutching onto her Social Security check like it's the last Twinkie before the apocalypse.

Priorities, right?

Not that I have anything against Israel. It's a real and frightening reality show over there. It's Survivor: The Middle East Edition. Only you don't get voted off. You die. The same goes for Ukraine. It's a tragedy. I feel for them too.

But what about Grandma? She just wants a modest check to keep her bingo nights alive. And she paid her dues to get it.

How does it look to her when she sees the government seems to have pockets deeper than the Mariana Trench but when it comes to finding money to shore up Social Security, the government turns their empty pockets inside out?

Stealth bombers? Sure, let's put in a few orders. What's a trillion bucks? Chump change, really. Money to go around to secure the rest of the world? Sure, fire up the presses. We've got work to do, folks. Who cares if we don't really have the money? 

What we have to do is cut through the bullshit. Americans have paid their dues. The government has made promises it ought to be able to keep. Americans work hard, grinding the 9 to 5 hamster wheels dodging office politics and burnt coffee.

All the while Grandma's been sending money her entire life to the very people now telling her they can't afford to give anything back. She may have some cataracts, but she's not blind. She sees all the money going to everyone else. Not only did she pay into Social Security. She paid into all the other stuff too that the government wants to spend money on.

The time is now to ask our government, where's our slice of the pie? When do Americans matter more than the rest of the world? Why do we keep sending the government money only to be told they don't have any for us while shelling out untold trillions to anyone but Americans?

It's a lie. It has to be. Either way, whether or not the money actually exists isn't even the point. If the government can find the money to support everyone else, I think they can surely find the money to help Grandma.

Leonard Knath, pronounced like math, is a seeker of truth and an adamant denier of the status quo. He makes his home in Stratford, New Jersey in Camden County where he lives with his wife Dee and their two cats, Lawson and Saul.

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