More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Friday, May 17, 2024

Democrats Don't Have to Own the Consequences of $20 Minimum Wage

Even though the reality is that it's mostly the Democrats who hold most of the wealth, they are always trying to paint themselves as "for the working class." When it comes to the $20 an hour wage hike in California for fast food workers with some exceptions, of course all of the things we said would happen are happening.

Layoffs, reduced hours, and price increases.

There's a reality in all of this, as there always is, that you simply can't get blood out of a stone, the money is not there that everyone believes is, and you can't just make up a number and say, "Everyone can afford to pay that."

It's just not how it works in the real world. In order to determine an appropriate wage, you must first evaluate the books to see if you can afford it.

Most of the time when it comes to the majority of things Democrats do, I tend to believe they simply want what they want, and they don't think things through. They never consider the consequences of what they do or evaluate the impact. In this case, I am inclined to wonder, "Are they doing this quite on purpose. Is it part of a larger picture strategy?"

The Democrats want you to hate the rich. They want you to think that these companies and business owners only care about their bottom lines and themselves and couldn't care less about their workers on the front lines.

As people are laid off, hours are cut and prices rise, the Democrats can go before the American people and proclaim, "We've got your back, and look at what they do in response? They don't care about you." In other words, even though to any thinking person the blame lands squarely on the Democrats who raised the wage to cause the problems, they can pretend it's all the mean, greedy corporation's fault.

The Democrats can simply wave their magic wand and whatever happens, they don't have to own it. Just like they mostly did with regard to inflation. "It's not our fault. These businesses are simply gouging you, and that's why prices are higher."

It's those evil rich that are at it again, taking your money and exploiting their workers for their own gain.

It's patently untrue. We, on the conservative side, know it. But there are a good many people who will fall for the narrative and completely believe it and that is what the Democrats are banking on. When someone gets laid off or has their hours cut due to the $20 an hour wage hike, who will they blame? Gavin Newsom? Or the business owner?

Most likely they are going to blame the business owner. The Democrats get to look like they are doing all the right things and when things don't happen as expected, they can blame someone else for what happens.

Everyone wants people to make more money and have more opportunities. The difference lies in how we accomplish that best. Because the commonsense thing is that in order for people to really realize these opportunities, it has to be a win, win situation. If the businesses are the source of the opportunity, and they are, then their health and well-being is just as important as the health and well-being of the workers. 

I often say to beware of someone who offers "help." Because all too often there's an ulterior motive to it, and it's going to come with a catch. While it may all look and sound good on paper, the reality is that it will probably do more harm than good. Especially if it it's coming from a Democrat.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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