More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gunther Eagleman Goes Too Far

As I tend to have to repeat myself about all the time, just because I am a conservative Republican who is voting for Donald J. Trump does not mean I am going to be on our side 100% of the time, nor am I going to share certain views someone else holds just because.

I'm a Republican. I don't need to be a jerk or stoop to the childish antics of the left to be that. I simply hold views that differ from the left. That's it. And they are my views. Even my own views are not going to always align with my side, or theirs with mine.

I'm also not going to simply ever blindly disagree with the left just because it's a view coming from the left.

Look, I think Joe Biden is a failure. His presidency will go down in history as one of the worst presidencies in history. I don't say that as a Republican. I say that as an American engaged in what happens in the country and to the country. It's that simple.

Do I also believe Joe Biden is a scoundrel? Yes. I do as a matter of fact. From the questionable sniffing of women's hair to his odd fondling of children, and to the rather creepy suggestion by his daughter he took showers with her. There are some things I find rather disturbing about the man personally.

I make no concessions on that. Joe Biden is not only a terrible president. He's a creep.

But to suggest, as Gunther Eagleman did in a recent poll on X, that being a Joe Biden voter means the voter is a pedophile is, to put it bluntly, ignorant. And I normally agree with Gunther Eagleman, don't get me wrong here. 

I just don't think it's either an appropriate question or an appropriate suggestion. It serves no purpose. It only serves to further divide sides and close ears and eyes to the facts. Gunther Eagleman has a platform available to him in which he can further the discussion and this is the direction he takes with that?

What is important, in my view, is to be able to have an open dialogue about the policies and issues that concern every American. Republican, Democrat, or independent. And does anyone think an independent is going to view a question like Gunther Eagleman poses as serious, or that it will make anything else he says worth taking seriously?

Besides, it doesn't take a leftie to make a pedophile. Pedophiles come in all shapes and forms, they come from all religions, and they can be conservatives just as easily as they can be liberals. I would venture to guess that there are some Trump voters who are, in fact, pedophiles themselves.

I just think it's wrongheaded and I don't mind saying so. I'd say it's also a copout just like I would accuse the left of if they did something similar. You either have an argument or you have an insult. 

I mean, look at the things the left says about us for Heaven's sake. Things that are vile and horrible. And of course, patently untrue. We certainly don't like it when it is done to us. If Gunther Eagleman's question is an attempt to turn the tables on the left and give them a little of what they dish out, maybe then it makes at least some sense?

Still, to my mind it makes no sense. That's not who we are. We're not voting for Donald Trump or against Joe Biden for any other reason than we feel Donald Trump is better for the country and Joe Biden is not. Why not just leave it at that?

We have the ability to state our case, and there is no need to stoop to the lows of the left. Comments or suggestions like this only serve to invalidate any legitimate argument we have to make.

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© 2024 Jim Bauer

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