So look, I fully agree that Kid Rock made an err when he slipped the tongue a bit the other day on Fox & Friends on live TV and called Joy Behar a bitch. But should he have been pulled as Grand Marshall for a parade in Nashville?
I say yes. And that may be somewhat surprising since I happen to support Kid Rock, and I also happen to be a conservative republican.
But that's part of the point isn't it?
I complain all the time when people on the left get to say whatever they want and get away with it. I complain all the time about the fact that, on the left, it is acceptable to say whatever they want and get away with it.
Is Joy Behar a bitch?
I have no idea because I have never met her. I can draw conclusions about her of course based on things she has said in the past and the way she conducts herself on air.
Is she a bitch? Again, I would not know, and personally I would refrain from classifying her as harshly. But what I do know is that she clearly does not have her head on straight, and she's dead wrong about more than just a few things, and she does not seem to have a full grasp of her faculties.
Did I just call Joy Behar and idiot?
Yeah. I think I just did. Either way I made it very clear that I supported Fox News making an apology, and I also supported Fox New's Steve Doocy immediately asking Kid Rock to apologize for what he had said on air. We, the conservatives, have a higher standard, and that's an important thing to recognize.
How can we go to anyone else and yell and scream, "Hold them accountable," if we do not also hold our own accountable? We have to better than the left. We have to have better decorum.
I say it all the time that what the left resorts to when an argument does not go their way is to start calling names. And that's exactly what Kid Rock did. His entire argument when he introduced Joy Behar into it, and called her a name, lost his entire argument.
Nobody heard what Kid Rock said before he called Joy Behar a bitch. All anyone heard was him calling Joy Behar a bitch.
It effectively made anything else Kid Rock said moot. Unheard. Dismissed. Irrelevant. It's the only thing making the news. What he called Joy Behar. Not what he said about the president or what he is doing for the country. Not why he values conservatism. Not why he thinks this country is on the right track and great.
I recently posted, regarding the whole Kid Rock thing, "You will always have to remember that one unique thing about conservatives, is that we don't look the other way when someone on our side says something not quite right, nor do we condone such actions." I stand by this statement. We do hold our own accountable and it is part of what separates us from the liberals. We do have decorum. And we don't want to be the ones who resort to shutting down an argument by tossing out name calling like Kid Rock did.
Because again, no one heard anything else but what he called Joy Behar.
We are conservatives. We have no need to rely on the tactics of the left to make our points known. We want to be the civilized side, and we need to be able to cite our beliefs and our values without tossing in jabs and calling names.
Anybody with half a mind who listens to Joy Behar can already determine her head is not screwed on very tightly. We can simply point to what she says, and then definitively explain with intellect why she is wrong.
So Kid Rock gets removed from the parade. I have to say if the shoe were on the other foot and Joy Behar was going to be the Grand Marshall, and called Kid Rock a bastard, or some such other dumb thing, and she was removed, I'd be applauding the action just as I applauded the actions taken against Kathy Griffin when she published a tasteless photo of her holding up Trump's severed head.
I cannot complain about there being a double standard if I do not also complain that the right should never be given a free pass like so many on the left often times do. So no. Kid Rock said something that was tasteless and rude, and he should suffer at least some consequence for that.
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