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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Chick-fil-A Next in the Crosshairs

Considering the recent debacle over a beer can depicting transgender social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, clearly a marketing campaign despite what Anheuser-Busch wants to say—you sent a can to an influencer with millions of followers and had to have known that influencer would post something about it—which lost AB InBev billions of dollars in beer sales, not just of Bud Light but across all brands, that they still have yet to recover from, and now with Target showing losses in a major consumer backlash over pride merchandise being marketed to kids which has plummeted the value of the company by $10 billion in 10 days...

What in the hell is a company, who was long the bastion of conservative consumer high fan-fare, like Chick-fil-A doing when it decides it wants to join in on the fun and make an effort to potentially destroy what they have worked so hard to build by introducing DDI into its work culture?

Because we are operating at a time when, and it is not just conservatives, people in general have simply had enough of woke and cancel culture and having pride and diversity and gay and transgender life rammed down our throats at every turn.

It is not a question of if there will be backlash. It's a question of when will it come?

Granted, the Chick-fil-A thing is slightly different and so maybe the company can slide quietly on this without a major impact. It's not a marketing campaign. But I think consumers see the writing on the wall. It's just one more company trying to push something, even if from a purely business perspective it makes no sense to do it.

You would think, especially from a company like Chick-fil-A, that they would have gotten a clear message from both the Bud Light and Target disasters—maybe we still want to do something but now may not be the right time to do it.

When it comes to business the thing that puzzles me the most is that the entire purpose for any business is to make a profit. That's really all there is to it. It's the only reason you exist as a business. To enjoy a profit and make money for everyone who works for the company or who owns it. 

There is no other purpose.

So, why would anyone knowingly and willingly put that potential profit in jeopardy? On purpose! Why would you do it?

I am hard pressed to figure out what the purpose actually is. Is it to strongly support woke and cancel culture and all this liberal ideology fueled garbage because you believe in it? Is it a political agenda on the part of management? Even if it is either or those things or something else, it goes completely against the purpose of being in business, which is why I am perplexed about any of it.

It also makes me wonder if shareholders may now have grounds to sue for lost value of their investments in a case like this where management has to be fully aware that engaging in any of this sort of thing is absolutely going to destroy value.

It's just not a question right now because we have the proof right in front of us and it is clear. In this environment, if a company decides to do something that will clearly drop their bottom lines, can investors say, "Hey, wait a minute. This is our company and we want you to focus on what makes us money. Nothing else matters."

None of this is to say that any group should not be acknowledged or left behind. But it is to say that we should also recognize what any group represents as the whole, and clearly the LGBTQ+ community is in the minority, and by leaps and bounds. It's a very tiny percentage of the population that is part of that community.

What's at issue here is that that small group wants the majority to conform or else. Something I have talked about extensively. No one in society should be forced to do anything. And beyond that, it's about the kids right? And I think that's really where all of this backlash is really coming from. It's the fuel for the fire, so to speak.

Had this thing not been pushed in SCHOOLS, for Heaven's sake, maybe no one would care if you had a beer can with a transgender face on it or a few tuck friendly swimsuits on the shelves at Target.

It is when it is not about inclusivity, but rather about indoctrination, not just of kids mind you, but society as a whole to simply accept their point of view or else is when the whole thing implodes on itself.

Because that's what they are doing. The LGBTQ+ community is not wanting inclusion at all. They are wanting to disrupt everyone else's lives in order to have their way. Shove it right down our throats, have pride flags flown everywhere, have children be taught about their way of life, have our television shows and TV commercials and billboards filled with Pride Awareness and Pride Agenda. 

The backlash against these companies, regardless of what their actual agenda is, is about all of that. And consumers are saying no. Enough. And it is almost as though the companies don't care if they go broke in the process. 

Perhaps there is another little hidden agenda in all of this. Destroying wealth and pushing the real hidden cause. Universal Basic Income and socialism at its core. Maybe that's what these companies are really up to? 

Who knows? All I can say is that Chick-fil-A certainly will fall into the crosshairs, and it may not bode well for the company. And once reputations are ruined, the reality is that it will be difficult to get it back. As I was always told, "It takes years to build a loyal customer and only seconds to lose one." 

I am almost of the opinion that these companies don't care. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

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