I think even the most liberal among us, who despise rich people to the hilt, would not turn down an opportunity to line their bank accounts if they could seize upon any possible chance to do so.
Okay. Okay. Liberals do jump at the chance. Although most of the time they have more nefarious means when it comes to getting at the money. But that's for another day. You should have known I could not totally refrain from my politics here.
The question becomes how the fuck do you do this? I mean, how do you truly reap the riches you could have coming your way?
Well, one thing is certainly something I have advocated and practiced for years, and that is to simply make as much money as you can doing what you can, and living below your means, investing wisely what you make beyond your means.
It does work by the way, and I should know. While I am not filthy rich, by any measure I could be considered very well off. And I have no business I own, and have never stepped foot into a college other than to visit it.
Well, I do actually own businesses. Those are the companies I invest my hard earned dollars into and earn a piece of the profits from after doing my due diligence of course.
More than that I think it is as simple as tapping into your own personal talents and seeing if you can make a profit from it. Even if that profit happens to be small. I write, I compose music, and when I am on the job in sales, I try to be the best I can be, offer the best possible outcome to the customer, and hopefully they like what I do, what I offer, and give me a return for that.
Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. But I never give up trying.
I want to be filthy rich.
I want that Ford F-150 Platinum in my driveway. In fact, I want that driveway to roll up to a big and beautiful house. I want to be able to travel when I want to, to where I want to, and I want to be able to decide when I cook in and when I take out, or eat out. And when I cook in, I don't want to just toss some chicken on the grill because it is the cheapest thing in the store. If I want a ribeye, dang it all I want a ribeye.
At the end of the day the one thing I know I have to do is to be extremely confident in who I am, and be equally confident that I can achieve it. Failure is not an option, but failure is inevitable, and the best course I can take is so strive not to fail, but if I do fail, make sure I have walked away from it with a lesson.
Just like a stock decline is only a loss on paper unless you cash in, if you cash in on the idea that you have failed and take nothing else away from that...
I cannot remember who said it to me, or even where I may have heard it if it was not said to me directly, but it was said that, "Your entire life is defined by who you want to be, who you are, and what effort you put into both of those things."
It goes hand in hand with something else said to me, "Never let anyone in your life define who you are or what you want to be."
I don't think it is any secret that there have been countless people you have encountered, and so have I, who were more than discouraging when it comes to anything you want to achieve. You come across a lot of naysayers in this world.
You will never be Elvis Presley. You will never be Tom Brady. You will never be Stephen King. You will never be president of the United States.
And yet we had an Elvis Presley, a Tom Brady, a Stephen King, and a select few in our population have become the most powerful man in the world. A lot of them achieved this despite great odds and against great challenges/
Do you know that Stephen King tossed "Carrie" into the garbage can and damn near decided to give up his aspirations as a writer? His wife, Tabitha, found the manuscript in the trash can and read it and went back to Stephen and said, "I think you should finish this one." He did, and the rest is history.
Dreams are something you want, something you feel, something you wish could be true. Dreams are fine. There is nothing wrong with dreaming. But dreamers only achieve success when they take action and take the steps necessary to bring those dreams to life.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up first.
That is something my mother used to tell me when I was a kid. It seemed harsh at the time. But later in life it makes perfect sense to me. If you have time enough to dream, you should have time to wake up an achieve. It's not my brilliance that came up with that. That's a motivational poster I saw on a wall in one of the companies I worked for. Bit it does make perfect sense.
If all I do is dream, and all I do is wish, how the hell do I achieve? And when do I wake up to the realization that wishing and dreaming is a passive thing that achieves nothing unless I act ?
Becoming filthy rich is something that can be achieved. And it is also something that may be beyond reach. That's life. That's reality. That's the way this thing works. You can put in every single effort, act upon every wish and dream. At the end of the day you may die with a tale to tell of an adventure, many plights, and never have actually met up with what you expected. But one thing that is true no matter the outcome is that you did everything you could to the end to fail, having failed trying not to.
Or you can just have your wishes and dreams having tried nothing to make them real.
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