More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Quick Shout: Due Process Seriously Lacking For Accused

All along since all of this began, or at least became notable with the Harvey Weinstein thing, I never once wanted to discredit the victims of unscrupulous men in Hollywood, or anywhere else for that matter. Molesters, rapists, and wife beaters should never be held above the law regardless of their social status, political affiliations, or how much money they have in their bank accounts. At the same time I have also felt that somewhere along the line we have indeed lost something in the way of due process. It seems to me that these days people can easily make an accusation, and once that accusation becomes public, true or not, in the eyes of many, and especially within the MSM, becomes a truth that can never be proven false regardless of what evidence may be there to disprove it.

I want for people to be held accountable to the full extent when they do something untoward or vulgar. And I don't particularly care who it is. Democrat, republican, Hollywood elite on either side of that aisle, sports star, musician, or even the President of the United States. But due process should still be something at least available to anyone who is accused.

We begin to run down that proverbial slippery slope without due process since with all of the "popularity" of accusation in high profile circumstances, this could easily trickle down to the regular folks like you and I.

What is to stop a subordinate, for example, of simply telling someone higher in the echelon that you touched inappropriately? And what's to stop that company you work for of making a decision to fire you based solely on the accusation, regardless of whether or not there is proof to back it up?

People's lives and careers can easily be ruined. Something that is fair in the event that the accusations are true. But if there is no recourse for the accused to defend him or herself, and is only left to suffer the fallout of the accusation without due process, what kind of a world do we become? What kind of a society do we become? And just like how the left has virtually stymied the impact of real racism, before you know it the seriousness and impact of victims of sexual abuse and harassment becomes equally stymied.

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