Remember Maxine Waters during Trump's first term out there chanting, "Impeach 45," like a schoolgirl denied her playtime, wanting to bring down the "evil teacher" who took it away? And what about Schumer going out recently trying to rally the crowd chanting, "We will win! We will win!" clearly oblivious to the reality that his team already had their shot, and they lost the game in a literal shellacking.
The Democrats just aren't getting the memo. Their playbook failed, yet they're still clinging to it like it's a guaranteed winning strategy.
Then we have the president's speech to the joint sessions of Congress. It was like watching a bunch of pouty, spoiled brats being defiant simply because they aren't getting their way. They wouldn't clap or stand for anything, not even for the families of slain victims or a little boy with a brain tumor being honorarily accepted into the Secret Service to fulfill a lifelong dream.
And what was with their corny circular signs on sticks that read, "Save Medicaid," as if Trump has done anything to take down Medicaid, or the words "False," and "Musk steals," or whatever other corny message they held up while moaning and groaning and shifting uncomfortably in their seats—seemingly being pelted by taser darts as Trump stood at the podium talking about American greatness, power to the people, and the Golden Age of America. He spoke directly to the American people on the issues they elected him to the White House to address, reaffirming law and order, common sense principles, and values, and it was literally driving them bonkers.
"No, no, no! This goes against everything we stand for. America is a horrible, hateful country! How dare you speak of it in such grand terms!"
The funny thing is this was a coordinated effort. It took time to plan. They must have held a special meeting to discuss their intended actions, and someone, of course, had to coordinate having those signs printed.
Why not spend their time figuring out why they lost the election and understanding why Trump is so popular? Or better yet why not start actually listening to the American people?
I mean, is it a stretch anymore to suggest that Democrats have no other purpose, and no other interest except to oppose Trump? That's their entire platform literally reduced down to one sentence. Do they really believe this behavior will win over the hearts and minds of the people they need to elect them? Those signs and their attitudes were essentially the same as waving a middle finger in the air at the American people at large.
It's absolutely gating to them to see unity. It's grating to them to hear the country being talked about in terms of strength and common sense. "My God," they seem to be saying in shocked incredulity. "Is he actually talking about one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?"
Because that's just not the world the Democrats want. They want everything to hurt. They want everyone to hate each other. They want suffering and pain to be felt economically and socially, and they want everyone to be a victim of something. Moreover, they want everyone to hate the core values of our founding fathers, because only through that kind of hatred can you fundamentally change what America is.
They've lost this fight, and their opportunity is slipping away, and they simply can't handle it. Just like children, they are having a temper tantrum and putting it on full display for everyone to see. I think most people are seeing the same thing I am seeing: their childlike behavior and how ridiculous it looks to anyone really paying attention.
It's not a winning strategy for them, and frankly, it's not a winning strategy for America either. Luckily, they are in the minority, and so long as they continue to act this way, ignoring the will of The People, and defying common sense, in the minority they shall remain, and probably in a growing way.
The jig is up, kids.
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