Once again the democrats are making every last effort to put the blame in someone else's corner. The republican party. But anyone paying attention knows all too well where any blame should rightly lie. On the democrat party.
For years many state governments, mostly lead by republicans, have been working diligently to overhaul their own state tax laws to right their own economies, and encourage economic growth on their own despite stagnant growth and tax burdens on their taxpayers that were a direct result of failed economic policy during the Obama administration. And many of them succeeded. On the other side of the aisle, the democrats held course and raised taxes, burdened corporations with ridiculous regulations, and allowed the exodus of jobs while relying on the federal government to essentially bail them out of messes they created by design.
The gravy train these democrat states enjoyed has now derailed and they're mad as hell about it.
But what gets under my skin more than the lawsuit is simply that once again democrats are engaged in doing everything BUT the work of the American people, and it is time they are held accountable for that. It is this constant defiance of the Trump presidency and everything he is working to fix, which is CLEARLY WORKING that just rubs me in so many wrong ways it almost makes me want to pound my fist.
But I am a conservative. I am more level headed than that. I know this is what the democrats do, and I know it will never change. But I do want to see this country get back on track again. I want this country and its leaders to be able to see what is clearly different about the direction of the economy, to go back to the history books and see what is possible with lower taxes that happened under both John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, and to acknowledge that what we are doing now in terms of deregulation and tax reform can only strengthen the economy, and is the only way we really give back to the taxpayers.
All this sort of thing does is distract from the real work that needs to be done. And it is another clear example of a completely divided two party system that simply is NOT working for the American people's interests anymore.
I still believe in my heart that there is a reason why Donald Trump won in the first place. Because he is not Washington. He is not a politician. He is actually extremely smart and he knows what works when it comes to money. He knows how money changes hands best, and he knows who benefits when the wheels of the economy are well oiled and turning smoothly. And therefore he knows as well what holds that all back—and he is fighting tooth and nail to make sure it works!
I believe the vast majority of the American people know this as well. What's more, even if they do not fully grasp it at this very moment, as jobs flourish, as manufacturing comes back, and as they see more opportunity for their own prosperity, and have a sense that their own lives are indeed prospering, all of the antics of the left will simply fall on deaf ears.
That is my silver lining. But damn am I frustrated. How is it possible these kooks on the left cannot see the obvious? The truth is they can see it. They do know it works. They are hopeful their lie is made into truth in the eyes of the rest of us—
Because that is the very source of their power.
They will lose the lawsuit if it even gets seen by the courts. And history will prove once again that booming economies come from conservative economic and tax policy, and higher taxes hurt everyone—and even when the tax law changes in the high tax states, the effect of those high taxes hurts even more.
What the democrats should be focused on instead of suing someone is going back to their own tax policies and trying to figure out how to put working policy into their own tax codes. Honestly, I'd probably fall over if they actually did the work.
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