More Opinion by The Springboard

Did President Biden Suggest America Is At War?
"Joe Biden told the American people in his opening lines, "In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, 'I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.' Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.""

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Online Earnings Restructuring

At the start of the new year, many people set goals, or resolutions for the coming year. Things they would like to change, or things they would like to accomplish. I never resort to the making of resolutions mainly because they tend to be words on paper, and usually nothing more. That said, with the recent major issues arising out of Bubblews, which was a primary source of online income, I have decided that going into 2015 some changes need to be made to the way I intend to make money online through the new year.

In other words, I need to get back to what worked well in the past before Bubblews sort of captured my full attention and took over other efforts to make money online. I also need to look at new potential sources of revenue I have found that need a little bit more of my attention in order for the full potential of income to be realized.

You can think of making money online as a business. We all have something we do to make money online, whether it be writing on social media, or revenue sharing sites like WebAnswers, Bubblews, HubPages, or sites like this, or selling a little piece of our talents. Crafts we sell on eBay, for example, or designing things to sell on places like Zazzle. Some of us even write books which we publish through places like CreateSpace or the Kindle publishing program. Some of us also write, record, and distribute original music. Whatever the thing is that we do that makes us money through online efforts combined can be considered our own little business of sorts.

Businesses need effort and time. Businesses need nurturing and promotion. And sometimes businesses need to undergo a little bit of restructuring in order to fully maximize and capitalize on their full potential to succeed.

So, here are some of the goals I intend to follow through on in the restructuring of my own online money making business of sorts.

  • Increase the number of posts written for The Springboard.
  • Promote my original song "102 Idle Stones" more effectively and more vigorously.
  • Release other singles to add to the success of "102 Idle Stones," with a high concentration on international markets.
  • Establish a strong presence on sites likes PersonaPaper and Elitevisitors and continue to look for other revenue sharing sites that offer a place to write and share and earn.
  • Increase my efforts at WebAnswers which was a major source of online income in the past.
  • Revisit HubPages and reestablish relationships there.
  • Increase my designs and promotion of products offered through Zazzle.
  • Increase my presence in all forms of social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus in order to maximize any promotional efforts I may wish to accomplish for any facet of my "online business."
  • Consider establishing a presence on eBay.
  • Increase my promotion of products sold through my affiliation with Amazon and continue to look for any other affiliate programs that offer a good deal of potential to increase earnings opportunities.
  • When writing, write more indepth articles, especially through HubPages and The Springboard.
These are just a few of the ideas I have going forward that, done right, should be able to more than make up for, and I even think surpass the earnings that I found possible through a site like Bubblews. The truth is, even though Bubblews earned very well for me, I have to wonder how much I missed out on simply taking that for granted, and letting everything else fall by the wayside in the process?

I think 2015 will not only be a good year for making money online. It will be the best year ever for making money online since I have been forced to return to getting down to business.

1 comment:

VirginiaS said...

I'm with you on this. A few months ago, i too had to take a step back from Bubblews and pay more attention to my other online concerns.
It did distract me for a year and a bit, but I'm glad I'm out of there and getting back to more serious business of tending to my sites.